Is quarantine being a wet blanket on all your money-making plans? Well, here are a few ways you can make some quick cash while being stationed at your desk:
1. Surveys, Searches, and Reviews: A trendy and enjoyable way of minting money by putting your technology skills to the test. This job requires designing surveys as well as reviews for well-known brands and companies. It is a new way of marketing and advertisement. Big corporations can, then, supply products most demanded by the public.
2. Translating: Students are offered a plethora of languages to learn from opening up scopes for bringing home the bacon. Opportunities in this field are never-ending, whether it be translating for tourists online or successful companies in need of document translation. This field has become extremely popular in the 21st century, as countries continue to globalize their industries.
3. YouTube: Youtube is a digital application and a community, wherein people can upload and share videos. It has gained major fan-following, along with being Google’s subsidiaries. Nowadays, it is an online platform to make money hand over fist. A variety of fields and content creators from all walks of life are available on YouTube, be it educational videos, learning languages, new recipes, music or for entertainment purposes. YouTube pays you, depending on every thousand views and also has a 'like' button, on the basis of which you can get paid. It is as simple as uploading a small video on your passion or ambition and getting paid for pursuing the same!
4. Social Media: In today’s digital world, most of the youth dream about growing up to become social media influencers and partnering with various brands endorsing their products and a few bucks. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter and TikTok allow for challenges and entertaining short clips for people to view and enjoy. These platforms also spread awareness and improve marketing for organizations while sitting at home. Similar to YouTube, they pay depending on the number of followers and content you put out.
5. Content Writers: If you lean more towards the introverted lifestyle, this is one of the most viable options in demand. It provides you with the opportunity to pen down your thoughts and create entertaining and informative content for eager readers. You can even sign up with a website on a particular field like fashion, entertainment, awareness and economics. You can get paid depending on the amount of fan following and the number of readers making the website popular and high demand for content.
6. Web Designing: Not all entrepreneurs and business managers are tech-savvy, however, the need of the hour is to have their very own website. Those having an interest can mint money with their designing skills and get hired by large companies. Web designing requires creating attractive and user-friendly websites in order to promote products and establish an online platform for the business. Depending on the revenue of the company, one can earn anywhere from ₹20,000 to ₹100,000.
7. Data Entry: Business owners struggle to manage their company as well as do tedious tasks such as data entry. Data entry is required to monitor sales, income, profit revenue, as well as wages. This job is high in demand nowadays, as everything turns digital. One must know how to operate Microsoft Excel efficiently. Sitting at home and sending out emails of charge sheets as well as receiving them allows you to earn quick cash and have job security.
8. Selling Products Online: The internet has become a platform to sell and purchase products while having them delivered to your doorstep. Small businesses and entrepreneurs have been grasping opportunities to tie up with big online websites such as Amazon and eBay, wherein their products will be more on display. This can earn you a whole lot of cash as your products will be on display and easily available, as not everyone wants to source things from stores.
9. Online Tutoring: As studies and goals get harder and harder to achieve, students require online tutoring from experienced tutors in order to guide them. It has been prevalent nowadays as the percentage keeps increasing with every examination held making it tough for students to self-study. There are a plethora of applications such as Zoom, which allow a student and a tutor to have a video chat and share their screen in order to solve problems. Tutors are highly paid and respected as they mentor efficiently and make it easier for students just by sitting at home. Hence, if you believe you have the knowledge to help out students, you could be rolling in money.
10. Freelancing: There are several websites offering jobs to freelancers willing to do any type of easy task. All you need to do is to create an account, browse through the listings and apply for the task that suits you. Some websites may even require you to create a personal listing with the details of your skillset, so that interested clients can contact you directly. Once you have been hired by a firm you can get paid from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000 by sitting at home and not stepping out.
The opportunities in today’s digital era are endless. The only barrier for anyone is their will and their ability to pick up new and easy skills at a rapid pace. Harnessing technology from home has never been easier, so why should making a little amount of cash be difficult?